Call me old fashioned but I still love getting handwritten cards in the mail. It seems as if it is a disappearing art these days. It is so much easier to just send a "thank you" text than an actual card.
For me, there is just something about opening up the mailbox and seeing an envelope addressed with my name on it. Now I am not talking in a narcissistic way or about just any envelope because bills come addressed to me too.
Think about it for a moment...are you not immediately uplifted when you are the recipient of a note from someone that has taken the time to pick out a card, write a quick note, put a stamp on it, and mail it?
Recently, I was seated in a restaurant observing a couple together. Both of them spent the whole meal texting on their individual phones and never shared a word together. How sad that was for me to sit and watch.
Let's try to encourage one another this week with a handwritten note or card. It could even be a little note on the mirror in the bathroom left for your hubby, or a note in your child's lunch box. Try and see if you are not blessed as well by sending something knowing it is making the person on the other end smile.
Keep those cards and letters coming!
What a great challenge mom! I think I'll take you up on it.