Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yom HaShoah Remembrance Day

oil lamp
photo credit: Cheryl Christmas
At sundown on the date of April 18th, those within the State of Israel
begin a time of mourning for the annual day of
remembrance of the Holocaust, also known as the Catastrophe or HaShoah,

 Tragically 6 million Jewish lives were taken.

For those that have gone to a Holocaust Museum
or Yad Vashem in Israel, you know
there is nothing that can prepare you for what you will experience ahead of time.

It is a moving tribute to the lives that were stolen.

If you have never gone to a museum you must go~just out of respect.

Men, women, and children whose lives and dignity meant nothing
to evil men.

Today, let us each take a moment to pause during our day
to remember the past and pay homage to those
that died and say within our hearts


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